READ AND SIGN The Joint Declaration on Life
Green New Deal reframes climate issues (OSV News)
Interview with Dr. Charles C. Camosy (CRUX)
Featured in eco-documentary "Custody + Creation" (NET TV)
"Laudato Si" focuses on the heart of man and the disorders of our age (CWR)
In Ecology Encyclical, Pope Points to Science, Faith in Call for Bold Action (Earth Island Journal)
Why the UN-Vatican Conference this Week Is Such a Big Deal (Earth Island Journal)
Interviewed for "Why no Catholic is exempt from caring about the environment" (Catholic News Agency)
Catholic Rural Life (CWR)
Toxins and Human Life (CWR)
Elevating the Existing Environmental Dialogue (CWR)
The "Green Pope" and a Human Ecology (CWR)
Justice and Fresh Water (CWR)
Catholics and the "Energy Problem" (CWR)
Podcast on Catholic Ecology and The Lorax
Review of Roger Scruton's "How to Think Seriously About the Planet" (Oxford University Press) (CWR)
The Orthodoxy of Catholic Ecology (CWR)
What can ecology teach us about New Evangelization? (Catholic Exchange)