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Interfaith Power & Light Affiliate Network Continues to Lead and Advance Mission

In a statement released last week, USA-based Interfaith Power & Light told its members that it was closing shop due to financial reasons. The full statement follows, but stay tuned for analysis here at Catholic Ecology.

Statement from Interfaith Power & Light — a national organization that works in all 50 states and U.S. territories to inspire and mobilize people of faith and conscience to take bold and just action on climate change – on the decision to suspend national operations, and look to network of Interfaith Power & Light state and regional affiliates to continue to lead and advance mission:

After much careful deliberation, the board of Interfaith Power & Light (IPL) National has made the difficult decision to suspend its central office’s operations, effective January 17, 2025. To be clear, the work of the state affiliates, each its own independent entity, continues unabated, and it is from these groups that much of the IPL network’s prodigious output has come over the years, and will continue to emerge.

Despite the unwavering passion and commitment of our staff, partners, and supporters, the national NGO, that offered logistical and other support to the...

The Holy Father's annual message to diplomats stresses the need for better relationships in an age of division and fear, fueled often by social media.

"Human beings, for that matter, are endowed with an innate thirst for truth. That is a fundamental aspect of our human condition, as every person carries deep within a longing for objective truth and an irrepressible desire for knowledge. While this has always been the case, in our time the denial of self-evident truths seems to have gained the upper hand." Address of His Holiness Pope Francis to Members of the Diplomatic Coprs Accredited to the Holy See, Hall of Benediction, Thursday, 9 January 2025.

As with any great leader late in their years, most especially the Successors of St. Peter, Pope Francis's teachings continue to coalesce around a few familiar themes—those that have always been at the foundation of his messages and preaching, and for which he will be remembered.

Indeed, his 2025 annual address to the Vatican's diplomatic corps offers something of a primer on his thought and what will surely be the lasting thematic contribution of his papacy. In particular, we find within this latest message a sort of call for an ecology of relation, authentically rooted in objective, universal truths, to counter the ideological divisions of our age.

The Holy Father easily calls...

Message for the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation highlights the theology behind the ethics of eco-protection

To hope and act with creation, then, means to live an incarnational faith, one that can enter into the suffering and hope-filled “flesh” of others, by sharing in the expectation of the bodily resurrection to which believers are predestined in Christ the Lord. Message of His Holiness for the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation.

The Holy Father’s latest eco-statement, issued last week in preparation for the September first World Day of Prayer for Creation, may not be what some expect. But it is exactly what it should be.

The statement grounds our eco-efforts in our faith, which should always be the foundation on which we seek to build or protect anything.

Moreover, the statement provides a sort of catechesis of what our faith proposes that is different from worldly eco-voices—and such catechesis is part and parcel of evangelization.

Why is there so much evil in the world? Why so much injustice, so many fratricidal wars that kill children, destroy cities, pollute the environment and leave mother earth violated and devastated? Implicitly evoking the sin of Adam, Saint Paul states: “We know that the whole creation has been groaning...

Remembering the life of a true-life advocate.

Pro-life and Catholic ecological advocates lost a dear friend and tireless advocate with the recent death of Kristen Hayes, 51, of Berwyn, Pennsylvania.

Kristen’s influence on these pages and myself cannot be understated. She first reached out to me in 2011 when she came across my eco-writings, especially this blog, and we became fast friends. She was a self-taught expert on issues ranging from Catholic eco-teachings to toxicology, but she was a natural at advocating and championing the causes of life.

With her urging and guidance, I agreed to join forces with her and other like-minded faith-based eco-advocates in 2012 and developed this Joint Declaration for Life—a document that sought to heal ecclesial divides by demonstrating the connections between traditional pro-life movements and ecology, which was of course a major theme of Benedict XVI and would be in Pope Francis’s 2015 eco-encyclical Laudato Si.

Later, she was instrumental in helping me with background info and the sources necessary to write this piece on toxins and human life in Catholic World Report.

She was fierce in her devotion to helping educate others about man-made toxins and their impacts on human life—a lesson she...

What science and our Catholic faith have to teach us about more fruitful conversations

At a time with more access to information than any other in history, division about what is and is not true is only growing.

This has been a longtime reality for those of us engaged in climate education and advocacy. What should be a straightforward assessment of facts is often anything but. Camps arise—usually along predictable, political binary positions—which leads to heated tempers and strained relationships.

But why? How can our evolved minds, now with so much access to so much data, be so divided—so much so as to create absolutely divergent versions of reality?

Adrian Bardon, a professor at Wake Forest University, tackles these questions in his book The Truth About Denial: Bias and Self-Deception in Science, Politics, and Religion' (Oxford Univ. Press 2020), as well as in this 2020 article in The Conversation, in which he writes,

In theory, resolving factual disputes should be relatively easy: Just present strong evidence, or evidence of a strong expert consensus. This approach succeeds most of the time, when the issue is, say, the atomic weight of hydrogen.

But things don’t work that way when scientific advice presents a picture that threatens someone’s perceived interests

Today is Parashat Bereishit for the Jewish people, a day which begins the annual reading of the Torah.

Today, with the reading of the opening of the Book of Genesis—from creation to the story of Noah—the Jewish people observe Parashat Beishit, which begins the annual reading of the Torah. Last week, the day of the gruesome attacks on the Israeli people by Hamas, was Simkhat Torah (Rejoicing in the Law), which was the end of the previous cycle—a day traditionally celebrated with family and friends.

Meanwhile, throughout October, Catholics are gathering across the world, often weekly, to pray the Rosary. This October Devotion often includes Eucharistic adoration and the recitation of the Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Both traditions are not only comforting. They also offer lessons and reminders about our fallen world—a world still reeling from images and stories of Hamas’s brutality against infants, children, the elderly, the infirm, and now a world at war, with all the carnage that goes with it.

The backdrop of all this, of course, is a host of ecological crises, from climate change to deforestation, which can easily be overlooked in such times.

But what connects and informs both the wars of the world and our environmental ills are the texts that Jews across...


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About the Blog

Catholic Ecology posts my regular column in the Rhode Island Catholic, as well as scientific and theological commentary about the latest eco-news, both within and outside of the Catholic Church. What is contained herein is but one person's attempt to teach and defend the Church's teachings - ecological and otherwise. As such, I offer all contents of this blog for approval of the bishops of the Church. It is my hope that nothing herein will lead anyone astray from truth.