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Our eco-inspired Lenten practices can save souls and eco systems

With the dawn of the great Season of Lent comes sacrifices of the things we love best. This year, why not try to add fossil fuels to the mix?

The concept of carbon fasting is not all that new, and many Christians have long embraced the practice every Lent and throughout the year.

Two years ago, the Global Catholic Climate Movement began an eco-fasting campaign on a global scale, with the suggestion that carbon be one of our targeted physical sacrifices.

This year the Catholic momentum around carbon fasting continues to build, most notably in the Archdiocese of Bombay.

The goal in all this is, of course, two-fold. Lenten sacrifices help us build our spiritual stamina to refrain from the desires of the world—not out of some gnostic hatred of creation, but out of a desire to align our wills with something other than our wants.

In doing so we can more easily embrace the second, most important reason for sacrifice: it’s good for the soul’s journey back to God.

Fasting from carbon adds a modern twist. Cutting back on our use of fossil fuels reminds us of just...

A two-day conference reminds us that safe water and sanitation is essential for life, peace

The Vatican's Pontifical Academy of Sciences today wrapped up a two-day gathering on one of life's most important elements.

Inspired by Laudato Si', and prompted by growing water crises across the globe, the event—"The human right to water: An interdisciplinary focus and contributions on the central role of public policies in water and sanitation"—followed the cycle of water to, through, and beyond human usage.

The event drew some ninety experts from across the globe and from many disciplines. Co-sponsored by the School of Dialogue and the Culture of Encounter, based in Argentina, the gathering blended faith, reason, and practice to look at policies that support or detract from the right to safe and easily accessible drinking water and sanitation.

The event concluded with a talk from Pope Francis.

Reported by Catholic New Service, the pontiff stressed the basic need of clean water "because where there is water there is life, making it possible for societies to arise and advance. Urgent, because our common home needs to be protected.”

“Each day —...

Recent eco statements by US bishops, and their reception, highlight divisions in the Church

Where the Triune God brings unity, Satan seeks to sow division.

Few truths better explain the ongoing debates and, yes, hostilities within the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church.

From the indissolubility of marriage to immigration, there are many reasons we are divided—many symptoms to the disease of sin. One of these issues is, of course, environmental protection—which is all I’ll focus on here.

Last Friday, His Excellency, Bishop Robert McElroy of San Diego gave an impassioned speech at a United States gathering of the World Meeting of Popular Movements. Brian Roewe of the National Catholic Reporter provides his usual in-depth coverage of the event and the talk by Bishop McElroy.

The speech was on a variety of topics—mostly a repudiation of the policies of President Trump, including on the environment. His fiery words fired up many of the faithful and infuriated many others. As it is so often, the real story seems to be found in the comments section—that dreaded online netherworld of hostilities and anonymity that bleeds with the modern-day fractures and wounds of the Body of Christ. In Roewe's story, the comments ran from the vilification of the bishop to his pending beatification.


Reusing and repairing takes a hit from a new generation of Monopoly fans that have rejected the thimble

Sorry, all. I’ve been tied up again with book edits. But now they’re complete and shipped off, so it’s time to dive back into the troubled waters of eco protection.

If I may, I’d like to return tonight in the shallow end, with an issue that may not seem all that worthy given everything happening in Washington D.C. and elsewhere.

But then, perhaps it is.

By now you may have heard the news about an online poll taken by Hasbro, the influential toy company based in my home state of Rhode Island. Apparently, last month voters opted to throw away the thimble as a Monopoly token. The thimble has been a mainstay of the board game since its introduction in the 1930s. Now it has succumbed to a generation more familiar with routinely buying new and tossing out worn clothing rather than stitching fabric together at home—a generation besieged every season with the next season’s new must-haves. It's doubtful that many young people today have ever pondered the ontology of a thimble.

Indicators like the this speak volumes. They remind us that the eco wars are not just taking place in the halls of governments or...

The General Secretary of the Laudato Si’ International Institute for the Care of Creation unpacks vital visions for Catholic ecology

Last month I posted on the Laudato Si’ International Institute for the Care of Creation in Granada, Spain, founded by Archbishop Javier Martínez. I promised more news and insights about the Institute, and here it is, thanks to a special interview offered by Michael Dominic Taylor, who serves the organization as its General Secretary.

Catholic Ecology: It seems to me that many responses to the Church’s teachings on ecology—most especially in Pope Francis’s Laudato Si’—focus on employing and/or engaging worldly systems of power (in the public square or on public streets) to bring about policy changes in governments and in the board room. Is the Institute approaching things differently? And if so, how?

Michael Dominic Taylor: Laudato Si’ is, first and foremost, a social encyclical in the line of Rerum Novarum and Pacem in Terris. Pope Francis, like Saint Pope John XXIII before him, who addressed his encyclical “to all men and women of good will,” addressed Laudato Si’ “to all people” (LS, 3). While perhaps to our human perception issues such as imminent nuclear war in the times of Pacem in Terris and the current ecological...

Pope Francis applauds the Global Catholic Climate Movement, and all those who labor to protect creation

After huddling in Assisi for a few days of prayer and strategizing, some of the folks behind the Global Catholic Climate Movement made their way to Rome, and then straight into the Paul VI Auditorium at the Vatican for the pontiff's regular Wednesday general audience.

And then, well, you can watch for yourselves ...

More to come one next steps for GCCM and others as we embark into the uncharted territory of 2017, and beyond.

For now, see more on the GCCM gathering in Assisi here. While needs at home kept me in the USA, it's great to have such colleagues working together to help the us all live Laudato Si'.


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About the Blog

Catholic Ecology posts my regular column in the Rhode Island Catholic, as well as scientific and theological commentary about the latest eco-news, both within and outside of the Catholic Church. What is contained herein is but one person's attempt to teach and defend the Church's teachings - ecological and otherwise. As such, I offer all contents of this blog for approval of the bishops of the Church. It is my hope that nothing herein will lead anyone astray from truth.