"We are losing our attitude of wonder, of contemplation, of listening to creation and thus we no longer manage to interpret within it what Benedict XVI calls 'the rhythm of the love-story between God and man.'"
+ Pope Francis
EPA has money. Want some?
The saying “we’re from the government and we’re here to help” usually comes in jest. But EPA means it.
Check out these eco-grant offerings for which faith communities, conservation groups and even individuals might be eligible. It's real funding for good ideas and programs . . . and you may just have one or two to offer.
Peruse the EPA grant site, and look especially at grants for the Environmental Justice Small Grants Program (the main page is here or here). There’s an environmental education grant program, too, which will be offering its 2011 allotment soon. More specific announcements include:
Environmental Fellowships: The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency requests proposals for the National Network for Environmental Management Studies Fellowship Program. This fellowship program provides students with an opportunity to participate in a project directly related to their field of study. Fields of interest include: Environmental Policy, Regulation, and Law; Environmental Management and Administration; Environmental Science; and Public Relations and Communications. $150K expected to be available, up to 20 awards anticipated. Responses due 3/4/11. For more info, contact Ginger Potter at [email protected] or go to: http://www.epa.gov/education/NNEMS/.
Refer to Sol# EPA-EED-11-01.
Removing Market Barriers to Offshore Wind: The U.S. Department of Energy requests proposals for U.S. Offshore Wind: Removing Market Barriers. Areas of interest include: Offshore Wind Market and Economic Analysis; Environmental Risk Reduction; Manufacturing and Supply Chain Development; Transmission Planning and Interconnection Studies; Optimized Infrastructure and Operations; Resource Characterization and Design Conditions; Impact on Electronic Equipment in the Marine Environment. $18 million expected to be available, up to 24 awards anticipated. Letters of Intent are required and are due 3/11/11, preliminary proposals due 3/25/11, and final proposals due 6/10/11. For more info, contact Fania Gordon at [email protected] or go to: https://www.fedconnect.net/FedConnect/?doc=DE-FOA-0000414&agency=DOE.
Refer to Sol# DE-FOA-0000414.
And there's lots more. If all this sounds a bit daunting, the EPA provides lots of assistance, too. Here’s help how you can ...
- Apply for a grant
- Write a proposal
- Get grant management training
- Find the closest EPA grants management office
So get digging folks, and spread the word.